Combine all those individual opinions into a single list, however, and you’ll likely wind up with a ranking much like the one below. Regardless of whom you ask, the same 50 films tend to emerge time and time again.
At PrettyFamous, an entertainment site from Graphiq, we set out to determine a consensus ranking of best movies. Specifically, we gathered, combined and normalized ratings from four key film authorities across the web*:
1. Rotten Tomatoes' Tomatometer Score and Audience Score
2. IMDb’s user rating
3. Metacritic’s Metascore
4. Gracenote’s Proprietary Rating for movies, based on critical scores
*We also included a slight adjustment for inflation-adjusted box office gross.
Using these figures, we calculated a single score out of 100 for every film in our database, normalized such that the top film received a perfect 100/100.
Notes: Films without a Metacritic Metascore were not penalized. While inflation-adjusted box office gross is not displayed below, classic films like "Gone With the Wind" and "Star Wars" benefitted — movies that not only dominated film culture but earned billions in 2016 dollars.